Star Brite Kids

Star Brite Kids

Local Services in Sandy, UT

Local Services Health and Medical Dentists

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1180 East 10600 South,
Sandy , UT 84094 UNITED STATES

About Star Brite Kids

Star Brite Kids has been family owned and operated since 1997. Edith Baruque loved children so much that she started a small home care called Edith's Home Day Care, it was her dream to have a children's center. When one of her daughters got the appropriate degree and accreditation the opportunity came along to have her run it!

The idea is to create a learning center unlike any other, with warm loving teachers and with one goal in mind, help the kids in their early childhood development with love.

Visit our website or call us today!



Star Brite Kids 801-571-1640
1180 East 10600 South,
Sandy , UT 84094 UNITED STATES
Star Brite Kids

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Star Brite Kids
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learning center,  child daycare,  kid care spanish immersion hour
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Star Brite Kids

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